Wednesday, May 30, 2012

31 days

It's incredibly hard to believe that these precious little boys are already a month old!  We've been in the NICU 31 days and somehow it just seems like a normal part of our life.  Both boys are doing very well.  The blood that Paxton was given last week has helped a lot -- so far all of his labs have looked great and we're hoping it stays that way.  Lennox's labs have also come back good -- it doesn't look like he will need blood!  Both boys have really been putting on the weight -- Paxton weighs 2 pounds 8.8 ounces and Lennox is 3 pounds 6.5 ounces.   Because we are doing so well, the NICU staff have labeled us "feeders and growers."  I've been waiting to get to this point because I feel like we can finally exhale a little and relax -- the boys basically just need to grow and put on weight.  The nurses have told us that they think in the next week or so, they will begin to see how Lennox does maintaining his own body temperature -- one step closer to coming home.

I was asked by a friend the other day, what "Kangarooing" was, as I had mentioned it on another post.  Kangaroo care has been shown to dramatically help premature babies and it is where the baby is held skin to skin with Mom or Dad -- that's why in most of our pictures of Lennox and Paxton you see us bare chested.  I've realized that I've become immersed in "NICU speak"  and forget that not everyone knows all of the terminology!

Sweet Paxton
Although Paxton looks incredibly sweet and peaceful in this picture, do not let this fool you.  My conversation with one of the nurses the other day:
Nurse: Sweet little Paxton is wild.  And I mean BUCK WILD!  He has been making me look bad all day.
Me:  Yes, he can get a little crazy sometimes.  What's he been doing today?
Nurse:  That boy kicks his bean bag off his legs and somehow gets himself to the end of the bed in the fetal position and makes it look like I threw him in the bed and walked away.  He's been doing this all day long.  I don't think he realizes how little he is -- he's not supposed to move that much. 
I think Paxton is always going to be the one who thinks he is bigger than he is and is going to be ready for anything!

By far my FAVORITE picture of Lennox so far! 
Don't want to leave big brother Conley out -- here's a picture of our newest trick.  I picked this picture because I don't want anyone to have the impression that we've actually mastered this parenting thing (with kids or dogs) and hopefully a few of you will get a good laugh!

Conley showing that he can climb on the table and
Blue showing that he still really rules this roost (at least in his head)! 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

A Ripple in the Water

So this week we hit our first ripple in the water.  I think we all (Brent and I and all the staff in the NICU) had been waiting for our first little bump in the road.  Thursday, Paxton was given blood because his blood volume was very low, which was also causing him to have lots of heart rate and oxygen level drops.  The transfusion was given to him in two sessions and after the first session we could already see a big difference -- his color was pinker and he was having a lot fewer drops in heart rate and oxygen.  They re-checked his labs yesterday morning and his levels were back to normal.

Paxton having Kangaroo time with Daddy

Lennox's labs have also shown that his blood volume levels have dropped over the last few days, but they can tell that his body is trying very hard to start producing more red blood cells to increase his volume.  They are going to give him another couple of days to increase and re-check his levels -- if they haven't gone up he probably will be given blood as well.

Lennox having Kangaroo time with Daddy

I'm so thankful that the NICU staff is so wonderful and watch these boys so closely!  The boys are still doing incredibly well for how early they were.  We've been told that most babies born at 27 weeks usually need blood -- so this isn't anything abnormal.  We feel like if this is the worst ripple we hit, then we will be incredibly blessed.

In other news, this momma had a much needed girls night dinner the other night -- Thank you, thank you, Amanda and Lauren -- and Brent too!  I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful group of friends that are so supportive and giving -- I can't even explain how much it means!

We were also lucky to get to spend a few hours playing with Lauren and her family at Shelby Farms yesterday.  Conley had the best time hanging with big kids, Paul Carter and Elle!  We were so glad we got to hang out while they were in town from South Carolina.

Conley and Elle playing

Conley, Elle, Lauren, and Paul Carter

Trying to be big. Paul Carter was playing with this stick,
so as soon as he put it down Conley picked
 it up and tried to play with it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

We have a 3 pounder!

Lennox hit 3 pounds last night!  Hooray!  I have no idea why this has made me terribly excited, but it has!  3 pounds seems huge at this point, although in reality it's still really small -- but in our world every ounce counts!  Paxton was 2 pounds 4 ounces and is starting to get a little round belly!  It is exciting to see them steadily gaining weight.

For the most part, both boys have been holding steady.  Paxton has been on and off of oxygen, due to his drops in heart rate and oxygen.  However, this seems to be his pattern.  Off of it for three or four days and then back on for a couple of days.  Again, this isn't anything they are worried about, but attribute it to age and immaturity.   Lennox has remained off of oxygen and has started becoming more aware of when it is time to eat.  He starts stirring and chewing on his hand or arm when it is close to feeding time.

On a more exciting note, Brent was finally well enough to go visit the boys and hold them yesterday.  He has been sick with pneumonia the last couple of weeks, so he hadn't seen the boys in two weeks and hadn't held them.  We are so thankful that he is feeling better and was able to visit with them for a few hours.

We took a couple of new pictures yesterday and I'll post them in the next day or two.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

30 Weeks and Pictures!

Today makes 30 weeks!  Both boys are still doing great.  Lennox is weighing in at 2 pounds 12 ounces and Paxton is 2 pounds!   Below are some new pictures of the boys -- hopefully you can tell how much more filled out both of them are.



Lennox sleeping

Monday, May 14, 2012

No News Is Good News!

Today will be two weeks in the NICU.  And I really don't have any new news which at this point is good news!  Both boys have been doing really well.  They are both still gaining weight, eating, and growing.  They are both getting close to their birth weights -- I'd expect them to hit their birth weights within the next few days.  Both boys are still having several episodes a day of dropping their heart rates and oxygen levels, but they should begin to outgrow this within the next few weeks.

I failed at getting any new pictures.  For some reason, I totally forget when I'm up there with the boys about taking pictures -- I know when they get older I'll regret this!  The picture below was taken about a week ago.  It's not a very good picture, but it gives you some perspective of how tiny these boys are.  It's a picture of Paxton's foot next to my hand (and no I don't have giant hands).

Since I don't have a lot of news about Paxton and Lennox, I thought I would share a few pictures of what big brother Conley has been doing while waiting for his brothers to come home.

Practicing our happy face for when Lennox and Paxton come home!
Hydrating so he can "help" take care of his brothers!
In the video above, Conley is working on sharing his snack!

Thanks again to everyone who continues to say a prayer for Lennox and Paxton.  Although we are definitely in a good spot and the boys are doing well, we can't quite breathe easy yet!  The nurses have said that usually once the boys are about 31-32 weeks (we are 29 weeks right now) and are consistently gaining weight, you can breathe a little easier.  So come on 32 weeks ... this family is ready to breathe!

I promise I will have new pictures of Lennox and Paxton for the next post -- I'll make myself a reminder so maybe I can remember to take some!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

One Week!

I can't believe the boys were a week old yesterday!  It seems like time has flown by since they were born -- hoping that it continues to feel that way!

I know it's been several days since I posted an update -- so here it goes.  The best part of this update is I really only have good news to report.  Both boys have remained off of oxygen and have been doing really good with their breathing.  Both have a couple of episodes a day where their heart rate and oxygen rates will drop, but they have been learning to recover on their own.  The nurses have said that this is typical with this age and is something they will outgrow -- it's not anything they are too worried about.  They have both come off of the bilirubin lights and have stayed off!  And in the most exciting news ... both boys have had their IVs taken out.  This means that both are getting all of their nutrition from my milk,  that their digestive systems are working well, and that they are both gaining weight!!  We still aren't back up to our birth weights yet -- but like a typical newborn they don't expect for this to happen until around two weeks.  So these sweet boys need to just continue on this road and continue to grow!

A few days ago, I was walking into the boys' room at the NICU and I saw this amazing basket that someone had sent us.  It was full of everything you could think of that you might need while frequently visiting a hospital -- magazines, water, girl scout cookies, toothbrush, etc.  It was also full of baby things -- blankets, hats, toys, and books -- which Lennox and Paxton will one day love, but until then it has made big brother Conley's visits so much more enjoyable.  He has loved being able to go through the basket and find something new to play with each time.  I'm sure you are thinking, "Why is she telling us about this basket?"  Well I wanted to share because this basket was given to us by the Forrest Spence Fund.  This is a non-profit organization that works to help families like ours that have kids in the NICU.  I was just so touched by their generosity that I wanted to let others know about them.  If you are looking for an organization to volunteer with or donate to, please check them out at, because what they are doing really means so much to the families.

We continue to be touched by all of kind words, prayers, and offers of help.  So thank you all so much!  I'll try to get new pictures in the next few days!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I was released from the hospital today and I cannot express how happy I am.  After being there for more than two weeks, I felt like I knew just about everyone in the hospital.  I have definitely made lots of new friends, but was ready to get home to Brent and Conley.

Both Paxton and Lennox are still doing really well.  Both boys are off oxygen completely.  Paxton may end up going back on oxygen because he has been having several episodes of apnea, but we will just wait and see.  They also had to stop feeding Paxton last night because his poop wasn't a good color.  They took X-rays of his belly this morning and everything looked normal, they decided it was because his feeding tube was in too deep.  So they pulled it out a couple of centimeters and resumed his feedings -- as of this afternoon he was doing good with the feeding.

Both boys were put under the bilirubin lights for jaundice late Tuesday night.  Lennox came off today and Paxton will be on for another day, but will hopefully come off soon.

As promised, below are a few pictures that we have taken over the past couple of days.

This is our first photo as a family of five.  It's not the best picture of everyone, but I just love it. Lennox and Paxton are in their incubators (Lennox is on the left and Paxton on the right).  Since the little brothers were laying at an angle, Conley thought he would too -- albeit a little more upside down than Lennox and Paxton.

Team Schwartz
This is one of the only face pictures we've gotten of Lennox -- He likes to keep his face covered or buried.  We think he definitely has my chin and looks a little bit more like a Jones.

Now to the most exciting news of the last few days ... we got to hold both boys today!  As you can tell from the pictures below, this Mommy was ecstatic!  I have to say, it has been very hard to see these boys in the incubators and not just scoop them up and snuggle them.  So I was thrilled this morning when they said we could hold them today.  I know that it did this Mommy a world of good and I hope that it did Lennox and Paxton good too!

Holding Lennox for the first time. 
Holding Paxton for the first time.
Paxton was checking out his Daddy while being held by Mommy.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 3 in NICU

Today will be day 3 of the boys being in the NICU.  Both Lennox and Paxton are doing great.  They are both still breathing on their own.  They are on oxygen but at very low levels.  The nurses have said that they think Lennox will probably come off of oxygen today and Paxton will come off over the next few days.  Both boys are being fed through a tube every 3 hours.   Right now the feedings are more to get their bellies started working than for nutrition.  They are still receiving all of their nutrition through an IV. As time passes and they get accustomed to digesting and eating more and more of their nutrition will come from the feedings.  I think these boys have continually surprised the nurses in the NICU with how well they are doing!

Now onto the fun stuff -- over the last few days we have definitely been able to see little bits of their personalities coming through.  Paxton, although the smaller of the two, is feisty and a little bit of a scrapper.  He is quick to let you know if you are doing something he doesn't like and it seems like he is always moving.  Paxton will quickly grasp onto your pinky finger and won't let go.   Lennox, on the other hand, is quite a bit more laid back.  He will also let you know if you are doing something he doesn't like, but is much quicker to calm down than Paxton.  We're thinking Lennox might be a little on the lazy side, but will see as time goes on.

These boys truly are miracles and have completely won Brent and me over.  We are anxiously awaiting the day that they let us hold them, which hopefully won't be too long.  Brent and I firmly believe that all of the prayers people have said for these boys has helped them to continue to do this well.  So I'd ask that you continue to pray for them and their growth.  I will try and take some new pictures and post them in the next couple of days.