Thursday, May 3, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I was released from the hospital today and I cannot express how happy I am.  After being there for more than two weeks, I felt like I knew just about everyone in the hospital.  I have definitely made lots of new friends, but was ready to get home to Brent and Conley.

Both Paxton and Lennox are still doing really well.  Both boys are off oxygen completely.  Paxton may end up going back on oxygen because he has been having several episodes of apnea, but we will just wait and see.  They also had to stop feeding Paxton last night because his poop wasn't a good color.  They took X-rays of his belly this morning and everything looked normal, they decided it was because his feeding tube was in too deep.  So they pulled it out a couple of centimeters and resumed his feedings -- as of this afternoon he was doing good with the feeding.

Both boys were put under the bilirubin lights for jaundice late Tuesday night.  Lennox came off today and Paxton will be on for another day, but will hopefully come off soon.

As promised, below are a few pictures that we have taken over the past couple of days.

This is our first photo as a family of five.  It's not the best picture of everyone, but I just love it. Lennox and Paxton are in their incubators (Lennox is on the left and Paxton on the right).  Since the little brothers were laying at an angle, Conley thought he would too -- albeit a little more upside down than Lennox and Paxton.

Team Schwartz
This is one of the only face pictures we've gotten of Lennox -- He likes to keep his face covered or buried.  We think he definitely has my chin and looks a little bit more like a Jones.

Now to the most exciting news of the last few days ... we got to hold both boys today!  As you can tell from the pictures below, this Mommy was ecstatic!  I have to say, it has been very hard to see these boys in the incubators and not just scoop them up and snuggle them.  So I was thrilled this morning when they said we could hold them today.  I know that it did this Mommy a world of good and I hope that it did Lennox and Paxton good too!

Holding Lennox for the first time. 
Holding Paxton for the first time.
Paxton was checking out his Daddy while being held by Mommy.


  1. These are so sweet and glad to know you are physically doing well enough to go home. Will keep praying for the boys to continue to gain strength and grow... I know Conley has missed his Mommy. Love Rick and Cindy

  2. I really like the blog! Thanks for doing it.

    And, I am pleased to see things going so well.
