Monday, September 17, 2012

20 weeks and 20 months

Lennox and Paxton are 20 weeks today and Conley turned 20 months this month.  All of the boys are doing great.  Lennox and Paxton are growing like weeds and Conley is turning into a big kid.  Brent and I get a little sad seeing Conley growing up so fast, sometimes we just want to put a brick on his head to make him slow down.  He is such a smart, observant little boy.  He watches everything you do and then of course tries it himself!  He is starting to say more words.  ChooChoo, kitty cat, drink, up, more, all done, nite nite are all part of his vocabulary at this point.  I don't think he has really focused on talking until now because he has no problem communicating his wants non-verbally.  We've really started trying to make him use words to tell us what he wants.  

Lennox and Paxton are doing fantastic.  We were able to turn in our sleep apnea monitors at the beginning of the month and it has been fabulous!  We now remember what it's like to have cordless babies.  I feel certain Lennox and Paxton have seen more of our house in the last few weeks than they had the previous few months since we no longer have to drag a monitor and untangle cords to move them.  Conley is the only one that has missed the monitors -- in the last month he figured out if he pressed the buttons long enough the monitors would go off and he LOVED it!  We have finally gotten Paxton's reflux under control and he is a totally different baby and has started gaining a lot more weight.  He will have his surgery to repair his hernia next Monday, so please say a prayer that everything goes well and is uneventful.

Lots of pictures below!

Labor Day with the cousins

Excited to say goodbye to the apnea monitors!

Apnea monitors  - So excited to send these off to another home!

Conley relaxing

Being silly

This child is the happiest baby ever.   He wakes up making this face
and will smile at you anytime.
He has just figured out smiling in the last week.  I haven't been able to get a picture
of one of his really good smiles yet, this is the best I've gotten.
 We spent this past Saturday at the Zoo.  The weather was perfect and everyone had a great time.  If you are ever in Memphis and have the time, I would highly recommend the Zoo -- it's fantastic!


Checking out the monkey on the activity mat
I've been spending my spare time (nap time and after the kids are in bed) working on finishing the christmas stocking my Mom was working on for Conley.  It's been very therapeutic and much more enjoyable than I thought it would be.  I'd seriously been dreading doing it for many, many months.  Here's a picture (I've only done the hat and scarf on the bottom right snowman -- mom did the rest).  I'll post a picture of the finished product when I'm done.

Last night Brent and I had date night.  We went to dinner and got coffee afterwards.  We seriously did not know how to act.  While driving to dinner, we rode in the car in complete silence -- no radio, very little talking, just enjoying the quiet.  We didn't once have to tell our waitress "No, no don't do that" or "No, we don't throw food" -- it was amazing!   A huge thank you to our friends, Randy and Pat for coming over and watching the boys while we went out.  They have been amazing friends and such a wonderful support for Brent and I -- I'm not sure we would have made it without them!!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your blog. Thanks for taking the time. Now for some parental advice, ...

    Be careful what you wish for. Once they start talking, they don't stop!


    I know you miss your Mom. So do I.
